Happy Earth Day

Lower your carbon footprint and get your exercise at the same time.

I take to this idea like a duck… or two… to water. I was raised to always conserve whenever and wherever possible. Thank you Daddy and Mommy.

I like to bicycle, walk, kayak, carpool, hang laundry, take the stairs instead of an elevator, use hand tools and public transportation, etc. All this NEAT activity gets me into the fresh spring air with a tinge of cool mist under today’s drizzling sunny sky.

NEAT is the acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This type of activity burns calories throughout the day, other than sleeping, eating and playing sports. How neat is that? Are you double thinking using the remotes for the tv, lights, car, and around the rest of your “smart house?” Yes? Good.

We also recycle, clean up the roadside and reuse what someone else may call “trash.” The trash may not be a treasure; but, it still has plenty of worthwhile use left. We also get to use our imaginations by thinking outside the box, which is great for brain health…another benefit.

What NEAT ways do you like to help protect our mother earth?…as well as yourself? We are all in this together and more than just a link in the food chain.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

image: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit.