Happy Earth Day

spring has sprung

Every day is Earth Day.

What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day and Earth Week?

We are collecting trash, aka treasure, to clean up the roadside in our neighborhood; but, then again, we do this on a regular basis. Then there is the usual recycling, reusing, repurposing and thinking before discarding or purchasing.

Even our weather system is doing its part to do spring cleaning with the crisp, refreshing, cleansing, gusty, sustained winds for the past two days. Brrr.

We are able to save two birds with one task-get outdoors to clean and preserve land and wildlife while walking and squatting. So, we are taking care of our health and the health of our environment simultaneously. A win-win.

Anyway, “walking is man’s best medicine.”* This is a phrase mankind has heard for many centuries; because, it is true. Even Harvard Medical School will agree that walking is one of the best exercises for the human body.

Why? The human body is made to move, especially, walk. Think about how you feel when you are sedentary compared to active. Now put your activity in the outdoors with the added benefit of sunshine and your immune system receives a boost. I could go on all day about the benefits of exercise; so, please, do what you enjoy and savor every moment.

By the way, are we not a part of nature? Go, be one with our calming, balancing, grounding, natural and beautiful world on this celebratory Earth Day. You will be doing yourself and our planet a world of good. 🙂

One more thought: the upside of sheltering in place, during this covid-19 event, is fresher air for all of us; so, go reap the benefits of fresh air while it lasts. 🙂 There is always a silver lining and another way of looking at things.

Best of health to you and good-bye.

image by: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit.


Ask NAPS 2 B Fit for Your Personal ASC

ASC is your Answer, Solution and Cure.

It is with strict individualization that you will find your answer, solution and cure to whatever ails you and has you walking in circles wondering what to do and where to go next.

Helping you find your answers to reach your health goals is the reason I love doing what I do: Personal Training, Health Coaching and Group Fitness Instruction.

All the general hints, tips and recommendations out there work for some, but not for all of us. How do I know? It is my job to know. I use my training and observational skills to see what is working and what can use tweaking.

Okay, some honesty here, I personally have tried many, many of the same hints, tips and tricks for the past forty years: newspapers, magazines, television news, television commercials, infomercials, well meaning advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry, this diet, that nutrition plan, sports coach advice, etc, etc, etc…

Yes, tweaking gets results. We are all human, essentially the same, but, different. At the same time, we are all essentially different, but, the same. See the difference? It is a small difference, but, there none the less.

Not to mention, we all have different needs, wants, goals, hobbies, careers and lifestyles. With that said, we all have our overuse injuries, per se, due to our body positions in order to accomplish our tasks for the day.

This is where and when I am in my element: figuring out what you need to do to have your personal ASC: answer, solution and cure to reach your goals.

People ask me all the time how I stay in shape, where I get all my energy and why I am always so happy.

The answer is: I have my own Personal Answer Solution Cure (ASC) from Personal Trainer ~ NAPS 2 B Fit who loves Health Coaching. How great and fun is that? I truly wish the same for you.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image from: unsplash.

Drink Healthy During the Shelter in Place

Limit alcohol to maintain your fat metabolism and load up on a refreshing glass of hydrating water.

You may also flavor your water with lemon, lime, fruit, tea bag, herbs, spices, and even vegetables for a change of pace and a dash of flavor.

The spare tire belly is called a beer gut for a reason.

For one, a beer serving is larger than a wine serving, right? Therefore, beer automatically has more calories.

Second, believe it or not, alcohol may suppress fat burning by up to 33% compared to drinking non alcoholic beverages.* Of course, you need to limit the sugary drinks as well.

Third, alcohol can also encourage snacking and limit your muscle glycogen stores. Now, if that is not a one- two- three- four punch, what is?

So, while you are sheltering in place, please remember that it is not an excuse to hibernate under a thick blanket, in cozy sweats, while throwing out all you have learned and gained by following your healthy lifestyle.

It is my turn to refill my water vessel and get out into the sunshine, even though it is quite windy and cold. I will just dress in layers.

Best of health to you and good-bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit.

*early 1990s Switzerland energy metabolism researchers.

Walking Fun Fact

Walking is good medicine: it improves cerebral blood flow and lowers the risk of vascular disease that may help you avoid dementia later in life.*

Isn’t that great news? Remember the story of the man who had a blood clot in his leg? The doctor told him he could walk daily or have an operation. The man started a daily walking regimen. When the man returned to his doctor for a check up, he was pleasantly surprised when he found out that his body constructed a new blood vessel that bypasses the clot.

How wonderful is it that we are made to heal when proper decisions are made?

So, what is stopping you from doing your personal regimen?

I will joyfully continue doing my exercise walking program so I am able to remain in the best health possible.

Since walking improves blood flow to the brain as well, why not have walking brain storming meetings? Do you ever feel stumped with only a huge road block in front and no detours in sight? This may be the time to go for a walk which will most likely recharge you enough to get your creative juices flowing.

For those of you who enjoy snow free walking paths, we have been lucky here in southeastern Pennsylvania this winter. Even the temperatures have been moderate, as per winter standards.

But, please, while you are out and about, still be careful and remember to keep your ice treads handy, as cold temperatures will be returning. Realistically, we are still in winter season, although, not much longer. The winter wonderland can sure be beautiful. 🙂

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…~Health Coach.

*source: American Council on Exercise.

Walking Fun Fact

Adding 150 minutes of brisk walking to your routine each week can add a little over three years to your lifespan.*

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I love my jump rope(orange and yellow with knots by handles). Do you see it?

With so much love in the air on this day, why not take your valentine on a brisk walk today, so you are able to enjoy a potential three years or more healthy time together?

That is what I am doing today. I just can’t resist the bright sunshine and cool, fresh air, even though the temperature is sub freezing with a decent wind chill factor. The air is ever so refreshing and the sunlight is extra inviting on a February day in the Pennsylvania wood lands.

Now, what constitutes a brisk walk? That is different for all of you. Brisk, as a reminder, is somewhere in the middle of your RPE chart. Once again, this is different for all of you; because, you are all on a personal fitness level with personal goals.

A brisk walk could also be done with your HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) program. Just be sure to stay within your safe RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) that we talk about, while doing enough work to raise your heart rate.

Enjoy your nice long Valentine weekend.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…~Health Coach.

*source: American Council on Exercise.

Merry Christmas~Enjoy the Views

Hippocrates had it right-“walking is man’s best medicine.”*

man’s ~ Natalie’s ~ best friends in winter wonderland

I am ever so grateful for my best friends who motivate me to go out walking, in all weather, playing…or sliding, as you can see everything is snow and ice covered. It sure is beautiful, though. I love taking in the shimmering sights, crackling and distant sounds with cool refreshing smells, all simultaneously.

I also love the fact that I must go outdoors in all weather for the mail. Bills? So what? At least I am getting exercise in all the good our planet has to offer.

During the day, our feet are subjected to cumulative forces that can add up to several hundred tons. That’s right, several hundred tons of force on our feet in only one day.

Does that answer your question about the reason you have joint or other pain?

If I may, I suggest using some of your Christmas and other gift funds for good quality foot wear. Everything is dependent upon a good solid foundation, anyway.

You can further your good foundation with a proper foundation lifestyle routine. That means doing the moves that are beneficial for you instead of general knowledge that has you spinning in circles. What works for someone else is not guaranteed to work for you.

It is not your fault; you just need to have the right and proper program design fitted to your specific needs. That is when I am in my element: figuring out what works for you.

Please feel comfortable contacting me; because, when you are happy, I am happy. 🙂

Best of health to you and good bye.

*source: American Council on Exercise

images by: Natalie, your friendly neighborhood~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit

MORE DOs-Do Take Your Time

Please be sure to include your warm up and cool down. Remember to take your time during your warm up and cool down.

To stay safe and healthy, perform your warm up for five to ten minutes before engaging in your more intense activity. This will prepare your body for the strength and cardiovascular sessions. A proper warm up protects your ligaments, muscles, tendons, and will even make you stronger during your workout session.

A proper cool down should also last up to ten minutes, if not longer. This will protect your vascular and musculoskeletal systems while you gain more from your stretching routine. Lengthen slowly and mindfully within your comfort range to remain safe and healthy.

Take your time. Move slowly and gently to remain safe and healthy.

Do it right the first time so you can come back to another routine next time. Do things properly so you are able to get on with the rest of your day.

The real reason for doing your workout in the first place is to make your workday easier, right?

Best of health to you and good-bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit~Health Coach.


Gift Certificates

Give the best gift available: health and wellness for your loved ones, available in any amount over five dollars. Contact me today for your loved ones’ health and wellness gifts to last a lifetime. I mail the certificates, with your message and dollar amount, to each of your address choices, after your payment clears. Thank you.



* There is a 50% cancellation fee of the rate posted if you do not give 24 hours notice prior to scheduled appointment time.

*Trainer is available weather/road conditions/health permitting, by appointment.



Jump ropes are top quality and available in different sizes, colors and weights, for your preference, so you are able to reach your goals. Please use the following Size Chart to choose the correct cord length according to your height.

Size Chart:

Up to 4′ 10″ tall ~ XXS ~ 7′ 6″ cord

4′ 11″ to 5′ 2″ tall ~ XS ~ 8′ cord

5′ 3″ to 5′ 6″ tall ~ SMALL ~ 8′ 6″ cord

5′ 7″ to 5′ 10″ tall ~ MEDIUM ~ 9′ cord

5′ 11″ to 6′ 1″ tall ~ LARGE ~ 9′ 6″ cord

6′ 2″ to 6′ 4″ tall ~ XL ~ 10′ cord


For 11% discount off ropes and distant certifications, use following code in all capitals:


at the following safe and trusted link:




“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” ~ Arabian Proverb ~

Contact me for your professionally researched and written monthly newsletter, delivered the first of each month. Only $10/month.

Sample Monthly Newsletter Sans Images:

December 1, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 12

NAPS 2 B Fit…Health + Wellness News
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”~ Arthur Ashe. Celebrate with discounts from IDEA’s 2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Hot Yoga and Heat Stress Conditioning for AthletesIf you’re looking for a good cross-training technique, try practicing hot yoga, which may boost aerobic performance while minimizing exercise stress.read more »
Nutrition: Something’s Fishy With Fish OilDon’t like fish? Well, you might not be able to turn to the supplement aisle to get the same benefits for your heart.read more »
Mind-Body: A Mindful Trick Could Trim CaloriesA simple switch in meal-planning mindset can help people keep their portions in check, according to research from the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior.read more »
Recipe for Health: Roasted TilapiaImpress your family and friends with this quintessential recipe that is based on the much-touted Mediterranean diet.read more »

Video of the Month: Oblique Crunch – Two PointThis advanced exercise targets the obliques but strengthens all core muscles, while also challenging balance. Start slowly, using a small range of motion, and gradually increase.read more »


Personal Training


This is the most private, personalized and confidential session.


Small Group Training

$40/hour/person for two people.

$30/hour/person for three people.

$20/hour/person for four to nine people.

The best of both worlds: camaraderie paired with semi-personalized service.


Large Group Training

$20/hour/person for ten or more people.

This is the best way to stay motivated and a great way to make friends.


Health + Fitness Party

$100 for up to two hours of fun and games for groups, families, organizations, boy scouts, girl scouts, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

Please give two weeks notice with your plans.

Provide something new, healthy and exciting for your loved ones and guests.


Corporate Health and Wellness

$100 for up to an hour session per week, includes individual consultations and health risk assessments. You may also sign up for the group rate training prices after the consultations and assessments are completed.

A healthy workforce is a happy and more productive workforce.

Contact me today to decrease worker’s compensation claims, increase productivity and improve morale.


Gift Certificates

Give the best gift available: health and wellness for your loved ones, available in any amount over five dollars. Contact me today for your loved ones’ health and wellness gifts of a lifetime. I mail the certificates, with your message and dollar amount, to each of your address choices, after your payment clears. Thank you.



* There is a 50% cancellation fee of the rate posted if you do not give 24 hours notice prior to scheduled appointment time.

*Trainer is available weather/road conditions/health permitting, by appointment.


Thank you for visiting. Best of health to you and good bye.

Stretch For Relief From Cramps

Do you get cramps, charlie horses or have other musculoskeletal pain?

A quick and lasting relief could be as simple as doing your stretching routine… daily.

You also need to stick with a shorter exercise program and only do what your body is trained to handle. Overdoing exercise, long and intense, when you are not ready for it, yet, will cause cramping. This is what many know as the weekend warrior.

The reason your muscles cramp is because they are not fully relaxed. Think of a rubber band that is held with slight tension applied. That is what happens to your muscles when you do not stretch daily…your muscle is under constant tension.

Now, think about a rubber band that is resting on a surface. It is fully relaxed and safe. That is what your muscles do when you stretch daily. You train the muscle to be relaxed. Stretching daily trains your muscle to be relaxed in a lengthened state which is even better. Just stay in a safe range.

Another way to look at it is to think of shock absorbers. Stretching trains your muscles to remain lengthened and strong enough to control contractions and relaxation simultaneously so you are able to move smoothly.

We get into trouble when our untrained muscles are being protected by other systems firing…the muscle spindle and golgi tendon organ. This is so we are protected from pulls and tears. In the mean time, pain can ensue. There is a much more detailed and scientific explanation, of course; but, you get the idea.

Please remember one of my many mantras: pain is your reminder to stretch. Now, just remember how to do your stretches carefully and slowly…daily, for best results. Give yourself time for the lasting effect.

Also, please remember to continue your healthy nutrition choices: water, fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, healthy fats and your doctors’ instructions.

More than food and stretching, is to be sure you let your body rest and recover during proper sleep habits, as well.

Bottom line is to stretch daily, do what you are trained and able to handle and follow your healthy lifestyle program as much as possible.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image from unsplash.

Healthy Snacks

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Are you stumped for what to serve your guests?

Believe it or not, guests and visitors appreciate healthy snack options like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, to go with the “party” snack options like pretzels, chips, dips and crackers.

If you don’t believe me or don’t have the confidence to try healthier fare, then how about trying one or two bowls and plates of my ideas along with your usual favorites? This way you are able to cater to everyone who walks through your door.

Please let me know how this worked out for you.

I know in my world, people have more energy and a pleasant attitude when we serve food that is light, nutritional and palatable.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~Health Coach~NAPS 2 B Fit.