Walking Fun Fact

Adding 150 minutes of brisk walking to your routine each week can add a little over three years to your lifespan.*

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I love my jump rope(orange and yellow with knots by handles). Do you see it?

With so much love in the air on this day, why not take your valentine on a brisk walk today, so you are able to enjoy a potential three years or more healthy time together?

That is what I am doing today. I just can’t resist the bright sunshine and cool, fresh air, even though the temperature is sub freezing with a decent wind chill factor. The air is ever so refreshing and the sunlight is extra inviting on a February day in the Pennsylvania wood lands.

Now, what constitutes a brisk walk? That is different for all of you. Brisk, as a reminder, is somewhere in the middle of your RPE chart. Once again, this is different for all of you; because, you are all on a personal fitness level with personal goals.

A brisk walk could also be done with your HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) program. Just be sure to stay within your safe RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) that we talk about, while doing enough work to raise your heart rate.

Enjoy your nice long Valentine weekend.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…~Health Coach.

*source: American Council on Exercise.

ACE Walking Fun Fact

The risk of exercise-related injuries is 1 to 5 percent for walkers compared to 20 to 70 percent for runners.


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Knowing about the injury risk of running keeps me satisfied with the decision to walk rather than run. We all have our issues to deal with; but, why knowingly overdo something? I ask the doctor what track athletes do about lower body pain and get the response that the runner runs with pain.

Athletes do get hurt; they just do not tell you; because, their goal is to win at all costs. An athlete loves their job so much that they will do anything to work through the pain or other issue. Then again, how long is the athlete able to keep up their pace to continue winning?

For the rest of us who want healthy longevity for a lifetime of happiness, walking is a great exercise. Therefore, be happy with your walker, cane, walking partner, and get in the soothing outdoors to stay as mobile as possible.

Please remember that aging is for the strong; just like you.

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(image from Unsplash)

ACE Walking Fun Fact

“Walking is good medicine: it can help you improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels.”


Wow, who knew that walking can be that powerful? Only everyone since the beginning of time.

Hippocrates, ~400 BC, knew that environment, activities of daily living and diet are the deciding factors of our health.

Plato, ~300 BC,  knew that God gave us education and exercise to work together for our best life possible.

Look at the ancient practices of China and India, which have been keeping their people healthy for 4000 to 5000 years.

This makes me love my walks that much more; how about you?

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(image by Natalie aka NAPS 2 B Fit)


Don’t Assume All Obese Overeat

via Daily Prompt: Assumption

People with obesity does not equal overeating.

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The basic assumption I hear over and over is that all overweight people overeat. This is not true. Please do not judge a book by its cover; especially, the delicate issue of body image and people who have obesity. I have professional experience as well as personal history to prove the fact that overweight does not equal overeating.

Clients who ask me for help with losing weight actually do not overeat. Sound surprising? Yes, of course, to the untrained layperson. Many other issues and activities of daily life contribute to the obesity epidemic.

For reasons that are confidential as well as controversial, I do not and will not state the reasons for overweight and obesity. The reasons are personal and individual; so, you need to do a consultation to solve your weight issue. I will not cause an uproar or send you in the wrong direction with generalized advice; because,…

the general tips we hear have sent the country spiraling out of control with a simple piece of advice: “…exercise more and eat less.” Grrr. Look what has happened with that advice, a higher rate of people with overweight issues in the United States of America.

Me, personally, that means I would be exercising all day and eating one raisin a day by the time I am eighty years old?! Aaah! Nooo! My weight stabilized instead of dropping when I was in a situation that did not provide sustenance due to our innate survival trait.

Therefore, please, do not ever assume anything about someone you do not know. Look at everyone you see with a caring eye and know that all life deserves to be loved. Smile and help, or smile and walk away, quietly, with a better understanding now that you know the truth: assume nothing.

Thank you, from more than thirty percent of the U.S.A. population, and trainers like me who feel for our fellow-man.

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(image: Natalie aka NAPS 2 B Fit)



Exercise Helps Depression

New study says that exercise helps depression


It is hard to find anything that is truly new and innovative in the twenty-first century. This study is one of them.

First, why do we want to help depression? We want to help ourselves by eliminating depression and feeling happy.

Second, anyone in the health and fitness industry realizes that moving around outside will do remarkable things for lifting your mood.

I bet that if you think about it, you will remember feeling better after spending time in nature, no matter the weather or the reason. Whether it is one minute spent running for the bus, one hour spent running for your love of training, or all day running after your horse, dog and/or children. Whew!

I am not saying you need to go out for a run; I am saying just go do something you enjoy with two instructions, one: move and two: outside. This idea is so simple yet oh so effective.

I love being outside with my family and pets, working in the garden and doing other outdoor chores. Macee is pictured helping us collect firewood; what a super dog; I could not ask for a better dog. Thank goodness Macee stays around and behaves; because, she runs circles around me, as well as other dogs; yes, really. I love that beautiful, little, energetic dog who lifts my spirits every day, all day. No room for depression here, we fill our minds with all good thoughts with help from loved ones, human and otherwise.

Now go enjoy doing your homework.

Best of health and good-bye for now.

(photo by Natalie aka NAPS 2 B Fit)

Make Your Exercise Fun

Confessions of a personal trainer: believe it or not, I am just like you…normal.


So many people tell me that they do not like to exercise and never have enjoyed “exercise.” They would rather burn calories while doing chores and errands instead of calisthenics and aerobics.

You know what, I am just like you. I need to make my exercise routine fun or I won’t do it, either. The weight room is the only place we pick something up multiple times to return that item to the same place. Sound boring…or silly? Hmmm.

I need a reason to run, too; like going after the children, playing an outdoor sport or handling a certain situation. Sound familiar?

There are many ways to take care of your fitness level without doing “exercise.”  I have many plates, as you do, that I must keep spinning simultaneously; so, I take my own advice: exercise while also accomplishing another task on that very long to do list.

Keep your plates spinning while managing your health at the same time; it is fine. Just thinking about all those plates spinning precariously overhead, ready to come down, revs up my metabolism.

Are your plates very fragile or sturdy? How strong are your sticks that are balancing your spinning plates? How much endurance do you have to keep up this trick?

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(Photo: Ben Hershey on Unsplash)

No-Tackle-Football on the Horizon

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I am fine with the news of removing the tackle function from youth football games and practice. Our youth are too cute and precious to risk their health and longevity. What is your feeling about this?

We all know by now that a helmet does not prevent concussion; because, it is the shaking of the brain inside the skull which causes a concussion.

Therefore, there are many other types of sports, activities of daily life and accidents that cause concussion, on, as well as off, the playing field. How many of us have been seriously hurt and not gone to the doctor for a checkup? How do you know if you are seriously hurt without a checkup?

With that in mind, how long until heading the ball is removed from the game of soccer? What about boxing? Football is not the sport with the highest rating of concussion; but, football players do have a high rate of contact which will shake the brain. Do I have you thinking, yet? Are you able to think straight?

Find your baseline to know if you have been seriously hurt enough for a follow-up with your medical professional. Your athletic trainer on the sidelines is your first line of defense when playing organized sports; so, please, pay attention and do what they suggest. Your life as well as their profession are on the line.

When, if at all, do we introduce tackle, heading and contact in sports? The brain is not fully developed until the age of about 25 years.

Are you still on the fence? Please be sure to take care of yourself and your loved ones; because, you only get one body with one chance at longevity.

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(photo: Ben Hershey on Unsplash)


Classes: Group Fitness and More


All classes are available in personal training and small group format at a higher rate.

All classes are available in a shorter time frame to fit into your busy day at the rate posted below.

  • Recipe Swap with NAPS 2 B Fit

Improve and Trade Recipes

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Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an educational one hour session of sharing and making favorite recipes healthier . Times and locations are decided by you and me. We meet once a week all year long; you pay for four one hour sessions in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $20/hour/person.

(photo from Unsplash)

  • Punk Rope with NAPS 2 B Fit

Playful cross of recess and boot camp for all ages and fitness levels

Bring the whole family

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Working out has never been so much fun before; we high five each other, smile and laugh. Benefits include improved: cardiovascular capacity, bone density, body composition, strength, balance and coordination. Burn about 13 calories/minute. Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an educational one hour session of varied classes and a balanced program. Times and locations are decided by you and me. We meet once a week all year long; you pay for four one hour sessions in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $20/hour/person.

(photo: Punk Rope logo)

  • Double Unders with NAPS 2 B Fit

Become skilled with the double under jump rope trick in only 4 sessions

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(creator of Punk Rope: Tim Haft is pictured with permission from Punk Rope)

Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an educational one hour session of proper techniques to finally achieve your goal of performing the coveted double under jump rope trick. Times and locations are decided by you and me. We meet once a week all year long for your convenience; you pay for four one hour sessions in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $20/hour/person.

  • Walk With NAPS 2 B Fit

Steps With Answers

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Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an educational one hour session of varied classes and a balanced program. Times and locations are decided by you and me. We meet once a week all year long; you pay for four one hour sessions in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $20/hour/person.

(photo from Unsplash)

  • Breathe Easy with NAPS 2 B Fit

Techniques Proven to Quit Smoking

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You will learn the ways others have been able to stop smoking without relapse. You will also receive your own program and directions for a tobacco free lifestyle. Schedule a visit with me now for your health and freedom from smoking. This class is open once a week all year long for your convenience. Time and location is decided by you and me. You pay for one session in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $50/person/session. It only takes one session to improve your health and chances of smoking cessation.

(photo from Unsplash)

  • Nix Nicotine with NAPS 2 B Fit

On Going Support to Escape the Tobacco Habit

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You will learn the ways others have been able to stop smoking without relapse. New participants receive your own program and directions for a tobacco free lifestyle. Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an inspirational one hour session of discussion and interaction about lifestyle tools. Times and locations are decided by you and me; we meet once a week all year long for your convenience. You pay for four one hour sessions in advance; there are no refunds or returns; $20/hour/person.

(photo from Unsplash)

  • NAPS 2 B Fit 4H Club

Happy Healthy Healing Hour

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Form your group of five or more friends and family, then contact me for an educational one hour session of solutions to your specific issues: pain, stiffness, aches, illness, etc. Times and locations are decided by you and me. We meet once a week all year long; you pay for four one-hour sessions in advance, there are no refunds or returns, $20/hour/person.

(photo from Unsplash)