Don’t Assume All Obese Overeat

via Daily Prompt: Assumption

People with obesity does not equal overeating.

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The basic assumption I hear over and over is that all overweight people overeat. This is not true. Please do not judge a book by its cover; especially, the delicate issue of body image and people who have obesity. I have professional experience as well as personal history to prove the fact that overweight does not equal overeating.

Clients who ask me for help with losing weight actually do not overeat. Sound surprising? Yes, of course, to the untrained layperson. Many other issues and activities of daily life contribute to the obesity epidemic.

For reasons that are confidential as well as controversial, I do not and will not state the reasons for overweight and obesity. The reasons are personal and individual; so, you need to do a consultation to solve your weight issue. I will not cause an uproar or send you in the wrong direction with generalized advice; because,…

the general tips we hear have sent the country spiraling out of control with a simple piece of advice: “…exercise more and eat less.” Grrr. Look what has happened with that advice, a higher rate of people with overweight issues in the United States of America.

Me, personally, that means I would be exercising all day and eating one raisin a day by the time I am eighty years old?! Aaah! Nooo! My weight stabilized instead of dropping when I was in a situation that did not provide sustenance due to our innate survival trait.

Therefore, please, do not ever assume anything about someone you do not know. Look at everyone you see with a caring eye and know that all life deserves to be loved. Smile and help, or smile and walk away, quietly, with a better understanding now that you know the truth: assume nothing.

Thank you, from more than thirty percent of the U.S.A. population, and trainers like me who feel for our fellow-man.

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(image: Natalie aka NAPS 2 B Fit)



Author: Natalie

Premium Personal Trainer Service: ACE certified Personal Trainer, Health/Wellness/Life Coach, and Group Fitness Instructor, specializing in Youth, Youth Fitness, Older Adult, Orthopedic Exercise, Weight Management, Fitness Nutrition, Behavior Change and Jump Rope.

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