Youth Activity

Today, less than one out of seven children walk to school. In 1970, two out of three children walked to school.*

I remember someone telling us at a back to school night, that children adjust better than adults. Yes, I will agree; but, that is because the children are not parents and lack life experience.

Does the mama bear jump to her child’s rescue when needed? You bet your life she will and does every time. Is not the same true for us as parents? You bet your life it is and is every time.

So, how do we get more children walking to school, again? There are many concerns to be addressed, which, just may benefit us all.

Is it possible for a parent to adjust their schedule so they can walk to school as a family? I enjoyed walking our children to school and then back home at the end of their day. We made a hiking conference adventure out of our walks and took in all that nature has to offer. During a path construction project we even had the chance to gingerly walk on a log traversing the stream, which also led to making new friends. We were disappointed when the project was finished; because, our balance beam log was removed.

Is it possible to coordinate schedules with other responsible, trusted adults? We all have different schedules that just may work out in your favor. You don’t know until you ask and I bet the other parents are in the same boat, or mama and papa bear cave.

Is it possible to form a walk to school group? This is a great way to make new friends and you have the safety in numbers working for you. This could also be your group exercise session, serving double duty. We would stop along the way to play on swings, slides, etc. Being active will get your children to open up to you, too.

Is it possible to form a walk to school watch group? Talk to people along the walking path to have their eyes and ears open during certain times of the day to help keep an eye on the children. I would nonchalantly do my chores outside with a friendly “hello” and everyone is happy, well and safe.

The benefit for us all? A windfall just may be your best health with a closer family and neighborhood relationship. How great is that? 🙂

Best of health to you and goodbye.

(image: unsplash)

*source: American Council on Exercise

No-Tackle-Football on the Horizon

ben-hershey-579712-unsplash.jpg youth football

I am fine with the news of removing the tackle function from youth football games and practice. Our youth are too cute and precious to risk their health and longevity. What is your feeling about this?

We all know by now that a helmet does not prevent concussion; because, it is the shaking of the brain inside the skull which causes a concussion.

Therefore, there are many other types of sports, activities of daily life and accidents that cause concussion, on, as well as off, the playing field. How many of us have been seriously hurt and not gone to the doctor for a checkup? How do you know if you are seriously hurt without a checkup?

With that in mind, how long until heading the ball is removed from the game of soccer? What about boxing? Football is not the sport with the highest rating of concussion; but, football players do have a high rate of contact which will shake the brain. Do I have you thinking, yet? Are you able to think straight?

Find your baseline to know if you have been seriously hurt enough for a follow-up with your medical professional. Your athletic trainer on the sidelines is your first line of defense when playing organized sports; so, please, pay attention and do what they suggest. Your life as well as their profession are on the line.

When, if at all, do we introduce tackle, heading and contact in sports? The brain is not fully developed until the age of about 25 years.

Are you still on the fence? Please be sure to take care of yourself and your loved ones; because, you only get one body with one chance at longevity.

Best of health to you and good-bye for now.

(photo: Ben Hershey on Unsplash)