Walking Fun Fact

Adding 150 minutes of brisk walking to your routine each week can add a little over three years to your lifespan.*

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I love my jump rope(orange and yellow with knots by handles). Do you see it?

With so much love in the air on this day, why not take your valentine on a brisk walk today, so you are able to enjoy a potential three years or more healthy time together?

That is what I am doing today. I just can’t resist the bright sunshine and cool, fresh air, even though the temperature is sub freezing with a decent wind chill factor. The air is ever so refreshing and the sunlight is extra inviting on a February day in the Pennsylvania wood lands.

Now, what constitutes a brisk walk? That is different for all of you. Brisk, as a reminder, is somewhere in the middle of your RPE chart. Once again, this is different for all of you; because, you are all on a personal fitness level with personal goals.

A brisk walk could also be done with your HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) program. Just be sure to stay within your safe RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) that we talk about, while doing enough work to raise your heart rate.

Enjoy your nice long Valentine weekend.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…~Health Coach.

*source: American Council on Exercise.

Walking is Number One

Walking is the most popular form of exercise in the U.S.A.*

People ask me all the time, “What exercise burns the most calories?” I tell them, “The one you will do.” Then they ask me the same question as if I do not understand their meaning. 

No exercise will burn calories if you do not do it. Choose something you enjoy and will continue to do in the long run. Haha, a pun. It does not matter what you do, just so you move around enough to feel like you are increasing your heart rate.

Did you read that correctly? …enough to feel like you are working and increasing  your heart rate. Not everyone will need to run and some of you will feel like a stroll is enough of a workout.

Yes, that is true. We call this the RPE or Rate of Perceived Exertion. Trust me, you want to exercise safely, right? Safe means you will be able to go back out again and continue for a lifetime.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

*source: American Council on Exercise

photo: unsplash