Drink Healthy During the Shelter in Place

Limit alcohol to maintain your fat metabolism and load up on a refreshing glass of hydrating water.

You may also flavor your water with lemon, lime, fruit, tea bag, herbs, spices, and even vegetables for a change of pace and a dash of flavor.

The spare tire belly is called a beer gut for a reason.

For one, a beer serving is larger than a wine serving, right? Therefore, beer automatically has more calories.

Second, believe it or not, alcohol may suppress fat burning by up to 33% compared to drinking non alcoholic beverages.* Of course, you need to limit the sugary drinks as well.

Third, alcohol can also encourage snacking and limit your muscle glycogen stores. Now, if that is not a one- two- three- four punch, what is?

So, while you are sheltering in place, please remember that it is not an excuse to hibernate under a thick blanket, in cozy sweats, while throwing out all you have learned and gained by following your healthy lifestyle.

It is my turn to refill my water vessel and get out into the sunshine, even though it is quite windy and cold. I will just dress in layers.

Best of health to you and good-bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit.

*early 1990s Switzerland energy metabolism researchers.

Healthy Snacks

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Are you stumped for what to serve your guests?

Believe it or not, guests and visitors appreciate healthy snack options like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, to go with the “party” snack options like pretzels, chips, dips and crackers.

If you don’t believe me or don’t have the confidence to try healthier fare, then how about trying one or two bowls and plates of my ideas along with your usual favorites? This way you are able to cater to everyone who walks through your door.

Please let me know how this worked out for you.

I know in my world, people have more energy and a pleasant attitude when we serve food that is light, nutritional and palatable.

Best of health to you and good bye.

image by Natalie~Personal Trainer~Health Coach~NAPS 2 B Fit.

Walking Fun Fact

You need to walk roughly 13 miles or the equivalent of a half marathon to burn off a super-sized meal.*

Wow; that makes me double think my food choices. Do I have your attention now?

I hope so; because, the weather here is too warm to be working any harder than is necessary. With that in mind, please be sure to stay hydrated, also.

If you really worked hard and need all those calories, go ahead and order the super-sized meal. If you don’t need all those calories, you could save money and calories by sharing that meal.

If this is a rare treat for you, then enjoy. If it is a habit to order and eat super-sized fast food meals, I hope you rethink your decisions for healthier options most of the time.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

*source: American Council on Exercise

image: puk-patrick on unsplash

Eat Your Calories

…don’t drink your calories.

In this age of the smoothie, please, tell me, honestly, what is more satisfying? 1.) a smoothie or 2.) a meal.

Smoothies have their place in our diets; especially, for medical reasons; but, do you really need to drink your calories throughout the entire day?

It is called a beer gut/belly, not a wine gut/belly. Why? Because, if you pay close attention, a serving of beer is larger than a serving of wine. Hmmm. Maybe not true; but, the beer bottle/mug is larger than the wine served in a glass when you are served by a bartender.

Therefore, just like the tips we get to take home part of our meal at a restaurant, maybe we should think about what and how much we are drinking when out and about celebrating.

For the youth, and the rest of us, this holds true for fruit juice. Enjoy your serving of your favorite juice; but, then try having the fruit the rest of the day for the added benefits of fiber and nutrients.

It goes without saying to savor your serving of soda pop and milk shakes, also. Then move on to enjoy the rest of your day.

Best of health to you in the new year and goodbye.

image by: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit

Best Diets for 2019

Mediterranean and DASH win*

You may already know that the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet are good for you; but, did you know that in some studies and news reports they are the top two diets to follow overall? These diets are approved by your friendly neighborhood personal trainer, also. 🙂

Of course, you want to check with your doctor or other specialist to find what works best for you and what is best for your goals.

This is where things get tricky; but, the DASH and Mediterranean diets are great overall for health and wellness.

Skip google and go to your reliable allied health team sources for the best of anything to do with your health. Please make sure you take good care of yourself for optimal health.

Remember the Arabian proverb: “Those who have health have hope and those who have hope have everything.” How true is that? What is worth more than your health? What price do you put on your optimal health and wellness?

Best of health to you in the new year and goodbye.

image: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…

*sources: TODAY and U.S. News & World Report