Best Diets for 2019

Mediterranean and DASH win*

You may already know that the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet are good for you; but, did you know that in some studies and news reports they are the top two diets to follow overall? These diets are approved by your friendly neighborhood personal trainer, also. 🙂

Of course, you want to check with your doctor or other specialist to find what works best for you and what is best for your goals.

This is where things get tricky; but, the DASH and Mediterranean diets are great overall for health and wellness.

Skip google and go to your reliable allied health team sources for the best of anything to do with your health. Please make sure you take good care of yourself for optimal health.

Remember the Arabian proverb: “Those who have health have hope and those who have hope have everything.” How true is that? What is worth more than your health? What price do you put on your optimal health and wellness?

Best of health to you in the new year and goodbye.

image: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit…

*sources: TODAY and U.S. News & World Report