Stay Hydrated for Heat Relief

It is extremely warm and humid these past few days in our area and I am seeing signs of you being uncomfortable with questions. Therefore, I have reminder tips for you:

Divide your bodyweight pounds in half, drink that number ounces of water daily. Drink more if you are still thirsty and lost weight. Staying hydrated will help you maintain your healthy weight.

Drink water before you go into a warm environment, drink about every fifteen minutes during the activity and continue sipping water after you are finished.

Squeeze lemon or lime juice into your water for an extra hydration boost.

Eat high water content food like fruits and vegetables.

Limit, if not eliminate, caffeine: chocolate, tea, coffee.

Limit, if not eliminate, alcohol.

Now you will be able to handle the heat better to enjoy your outdoor activities.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

image by Natalie~ your friendly neighborhood Personal Trainer ~ Health Coach ~ NAPS 2 B Fit.

Walking Fun Fact

You need to walk roughly 13 miles or the equivalent of a half marathon to burn off a super-sized meal.*

Wow; that makes me double think my food choices. Do I have your attention now?

I hope so; because, the weather here is too warm to be working any harder than is necessary. With that in mind, please be sure to stay hydrated, also.

If you really worked hard and need all those calories, go ahead and order the super-sized meal. If you don’t need all those calories, you could save money and calories by sharing that meal.

If this is a rare treat for you, then enjoy. If it is a habit to order and eat super-sized fast food meals, I hope you rethink your decisions for healthier options most of the time.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

*source: American Council on Exercise

image: puk-patrick on unsplash

Walking Fun Fact

Being short doesn’t have to slow you down: At the 2008 Olympics, 5’2.5″ Olga Kaniskina of Russia beat out Norway’s 5’8″ Kjersti Plätzer for the gold in the women’s 20k race walk.*

I am not the shortest person; but, I am definitely not the tallest person, either. Therefore, I speak from a lifetime of experience of walking with people up to a foot taller than me, or more, along with people who can be a foot or two shorter than me, or more. Or should I say, children? We know how fast children like to walk… or … run. 🙂

Be careful when placing your bets; because, height does not always determine the faster walker. Yes, stride length plays a huge part; but, so does flexibility, strength and cardiovascular capacity.

So, take care of your body and you just may show up your favorite athlete at a race or your favorite cousin at the next family picnic.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

*American Council on Exercise

Photo by Puk Patrick on Unsplash

May Is Posture Month

Part five: This week we add core work.

Small group fitness session; socialized pets welcome.

What is the core, exactly? There is debate about this area of the human body; but, the general consensus is the area from your shoulders to your hips, or, the area your spine spans.

Therefore, in order to work this torso, core area, we will do planks. Just hold your push up position to do the plank move.

There you have the fifth bonus tip of ways to improve your posture during May, Posture Month.

May is almost over; but, you need your proper posture for a lifetime. Please, remember to continue your posture regimen throughout the year so you are able to enjoy all the months equally well.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

Image by Natalie ~ Personal Trainer ~ NAPS 2 B Fit.

May Is Posture Month

Part four: This week we add back strength moves.

Yes, rowing works your back along with other muscles needed to row a boat, lift your child, pick up groceries, keep the wood pile loaded, pull weeds from your garden, open a door, water-ski, etc. Any and all pulling moves will pull in your back muscles. (pun intended) 🙂

In order to gain and maintain your proper posture, you need to stay in balance which means you want to get a posture check so you know exactly what you need to do for optimal performance and a happy, healthy you.

Please be sure to work with your professional allied health care provider: doctor, therapist, trainer, for your customized program to remain safe and healthy.

I hope you have been following the “May Is Posture Month” advice with me and incorporating these tips into your healthy lifestyle.

We have a bonus five weeks this May; so, please be sure to take advantage of your extra fifth posture tip coming next week.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

Photo by: Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

May Is Posture Month

Part three: This week we add chest stretches.

Please remember to do your personal chest stretches recommended for you for best results. We see the results of general information; therefore, please be sure to find out what you need to do for your specific situation.

Stretching out your chest area will help you to maintain proper posture throughout your day.

Check with your doctor, physical therapist, personal trainer or other allied health team member to find out which chest stretches are best for you.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

image: thank you, Tim Mossholder on

May is Posture Month

Part two: This week we concentrate on keeping our shoulders back and down in a neutral position as opposed to raised or hunched shoulders.

Go ahead and try to take a deep breath in your current position. How does that feel?

Now, move your shoulder blades (scapula) back and down. Take another deep breath. Is that more refreshing? Do you feel your lungs able to expand easier for a better inhalation?


Now, just remember to use proper upper back posture to breathe easy for your full inhalation and exhalation all day. You will actually learn to have better lung capacity and breath control.

Believe it or not, most people only use about one-fourth of their lung capacity at any given time of the day.

What do you want?

I want full use of my lung capacity; therefore, I will take these steps to maintain my posture and lung capacity for optimal oxygen flow, which leads to my boundless energy flow. Woohoo. 🙂

Best of health to you and good-bye.

image courtesy of Natalie ~ your friendly neighborhood Personal Trainer ~ NAPS 2 B Fit

May is Posture Month – Happy May Day

Part one: May you remember to use proper posture during posture month of May; because,

May is designated as Posture Month.

Therefore, we will do a desk work station check up this week. Let’s get started.

Is your computer at eye level?

Are you holding your phone at eye level?

Are your supplies and items you reach for throughout the day balanced left and right?

Are your elbows, hips and knees at ninety degrees or greater?

If you are having any discomfort, you may benefit from a self evaluation of your posture habits and work station.

This goes for all work related activity, whether you work at a desk or move around doing physical labor. I give extra points to the employers who rotate the employees work stations regularly to avoid overuse injuries.

When doing physical labor you need to support your back while bending and lifting. I know sometimes it is hard, if not nearly impossible; but, you still need to take care of your spine…as well as the rest of you.

Consequently, use the back brace as an assistive device when needed instead of consistently.

Furthermore, you need to pay attention to your posture 24/7, during all activities, including resting. I know, I know; but, trust me; you will thank me later, if not sooner.

By the way, you are all lucky I get any work done at all for you when I have that great view calling me outdoors every single minute of every single day. 🙂

Best of health to you and goodbye.

image by: Natalie ~ Personal Trainer ~ NAPS 2 B Fit.

Happy Earth Day

Lower your carbon footprint and get your exercise at the same time.

I take to this idea like a duck… or two… to water. I was raised to always conserve whenever and wherever possible. Thank you Daddy and Mommy.

I like to bicycle, walk, kayak, carpool, hang laundry, take the stairs instead of an elevator, use hand tools and public transportation, etc. All this NEAT activity gets me into the fresh spring air with a tinge of cool mist under today’s drizzling sunny sky.

NEAT is the acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This type of activity burns calories throughout the day, other than sleeping, eating and playing sports. How neat is that? Are you double thinking using the remotes for the tv, lights, car, and around the rest of your “smart house?” Yes? Good.

We also recycle, clean up the roadside and reuse what someone else may call “trash.” The trash may not be a treasure; but, it still has plenty of worthwhile use left. We also get to use our imaginations by thinking outside the box, which is great for brain health…another benefit.

What NEAT ways do you like to help protect our mother earth?…as well as yourself? We are all in this together and more than just a link in the food chain.

Best of health to you and goodbye.

image: Natalie~Personal Trainer~NAPS 2 B Fit.


National Walking Day

The first Wednesday of April is National Walking Day.*

So, how much walking did you do last Wednesday, 3 April 2019?

All is good. You always have time to do your stepping. National Walking Day is your reminder to keep moving.

Not motivated to walk? Injured? Raining? Cold? Snowing? Sleeting? Yes, it is still cold in my neck of the woods, which is great for the pea seeds in the garden. There is always a bright side.

How do I handle the cold rain, you ask? I will turn the radio on and do some dancing like no one is watching; that is, I will stay indoors to do my “dancing”… or jumping, bouncing, however the music motivates me.

Then I will take my best puppy out for a walk and watch her run circles around me. All the while, adding to my steps count as I also check on the pea bed.

The calendar shows that spring is here to add more light and sunshine to your day even though it may not feel like spring, yet. What will you do with your longer daylight hours?

Best of health to you and goodbye.

*source: American Council on Exercise

image by Natalie ~ Personal Trainer ~ NAPS 2 B Fit